Friday, March 25, 2011

Warning: Includes MANY picture

No, the title ISN'T a typo. Read at your own risk  and find out why.
Time Started: 12:03

I'm in History right now. We just did a book assignment that was about the gold rush and the Wild West in the late 1800s. Thankfully, a topic I know about. Thank you, snobbish old Tombstonian bats for trying to warp my childhood for ten years. :D

So, I said I'd talk about MMD, so I'll talk about MMD.

MikuMikuDance is a program designed for the Vocaloids. You upload a model and you can pose them however you want.

For some, this results in....well, you can see the picture for yourself. (Image is (c) SorasPrincesss on Deviantart.)
You can do videos, too, but they take FOR EVAR because it's litterally a form of computerized stop motion. You make a frame, save it, then make the next one, save that, rince, lather, repeat.
Some people are amazing and make things called 'motion data', which you upload after the model. Most of these are dances set to Vocaloid songs, but there are also other little random things that you can put together into your movie. They also have these things called Memes (don't ask me how to pronounce that, there's major contrevercy) where you choose a model or two and load the motion data. Some are quotes from movies, others have no apparent origin.

Here is where I would insert a really cool youtube video that would garuntee at least one laugh outta anyone, but as this is the school computer, the server sucks and decided to block youtube.
I'll probably make a second post with some of these videos once I'm not on a system THAT RANDOMLY DECIDES TO BLOCK WEBSITES FOR NO APPARENT REASON AND ARE ACTUALLY USEFUL LIKE ASK.COM OR DICTIONARY.COM

Please excuse the capslock of rage and enjoy this nice picture, of whose directions I will now be following.

Or not, as the site decided to not let me upload another pic. I clicked "browse" and nothing happened.


So now WhoeverMyAudienceIs gets to enjoy the same picture.
Over and over again.

Because apparently whatever holy being that is in charge of technology has decided to eff my day up to the slightest degree for shites and giggles.

Oh, I should probably have warned WhoeverMyAudienceIs, but there will be minor not-quite-swears here and there within this blog. If I ever actually get around to writing fiction, there will probably be some legit (why does that word not look right no matter how I spell it?) cursing. That goes tripple if I upload ATJ at any point.

Which I really should do, considering this IS for Creative Writing class, and I haven't really done any writing. But I digress, as it is debatable.

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions.

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