Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Time Started--8:40

Yo! First post, le w00t!
Haha, just kidding, I'll be keeping my grammar sane, don't worry.

So, yeah, first post!
Hokay, so I usually go to this website called D-CoT when I wanna listen to Disneyland music. The website has other stuff on it, too, but I usually just use the 'jukebox' and listen to Disneyland California or California Adventures.
On the bottom of the 'jukebox' music player is the chance for any member to be able to comment on pretty much anything they want. While I was waiting for the player to load I saw a post with just a youtube link, with a bunch of other people replying how cool the video was.
Curious as usual, I clicked it. Here's the link if you prefer

Whoa, WHAT?! Is this for real?
Yes, after doing some mild research, I came to the conclusion that indeed that's all one guy. Nick Pitera, singing prodegy.
To quote Ellen when Nick appeared on her show; "Who else you got in there?"
Seriously, coming from a Disney Dork? That's probably the best Cover of any Disney song I've ever heard, including the music video to Part of Your World during the credits of the VHS edition of Little Mermaid.
Nick Pitera, you are now on the nonexistant figurative Wall of Heroes.
For crying out loud, I can't even hit some of those higher notes!

My favorite, I think, is definitely Be Prepared. It fits so well, I think I like it better than the original--which is saying something, considering the fact that Lion King is my movie. Seriously, even before I could talk, I would point at the VHS case and roar like a lion.
Or so my mom says, anyway.
But you get the point.
For crying out loud, I can start at the first line of the movie and keep going all the way until the end with minimal slip-ups.
I'd prove it, but I doubt whoever-my-audience-is isn't too willing to sit through the diologue of the whole movie and would probably just scroll past it anyway, so yeah.

"Life's not fair. For you see I, shall never be king. And you, shall never see the light of another day. Adieu."
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?"
"Oh come now, Zazzu, you've made me loose my lunch."
"Yes, well, you'll loose more than that when the king gets through with you."

Yeah, that's as far as I'm going.

So; for a bit of advertisement to close this first post:
Listen to Nick Pitera's amazingness
Make an account on d-cot.com if only to use the upbeat songs to dance around in your underwear (or pajamas) and sing into a hairbrush while no one else is in the house.
And if you're curious and wish to, for whatever reason, stalk watch me on other sites, you can check out my Deviantart.
(A little self-advertisement never hurt, right?)

With that, I bid you Adieu.

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions

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