Sunday, July 24, 2011


Long time no see (Again). So much for keeping up the post-a-day thing, eh?
We went for Dairy Queen today. In the rain. Driving through puddles that could have easily flooded us out.
It was fun. :D
And I saw HP7 part 2 again today, which was weird because we rarely go see movies during the day.
But we WERE going to go to this liquidation sale thingy that supposedly had stuff for 5 bucks--we're talking, like, school supplies, iPods, clothes, designer shoes--occording to the radio ad, which lasted about three-plus minutes talking about all the stuff you could get for five bucks.
When we got there, the only thing that was five bucks, according to the very angry father outside the store, was the entrance fee.
Seriously. They were charging five bucks just to get in and walk around. Also according to said very angry father, everything was either around or over the $100 range.
Dude, false advertising sucks. Like, major. :/

So instead we went to see HP7 part 2 :D
I think I cried more this time than I did last time, but maybe that's because when we saw it opening night we were in the front row and it was 3D and you literally had to move your head from side to side in order to see all of it.
And then we came home and I read HP fan comics 8D
OOH, speaking of Harry Potter, did you know that JKRowling, the most amazing author in the whole world, is opening up a new site in October? It's called "Pottermore" and it is amazing.
Basically, because she's gotten such a positive reaction to her stories, Rowling's decided to give us the story like it's never been seen before, where WE get to be a part of it.
All hail the glorious and god-like Rowling!
Seriously. Bow down to her. Not only is she so awesome for creating the series that quite literally saved literature for my generation, nor even because of Pottermore. What I love most about Rowling is that she's level-headed about it all. She doesn't let fame get to her, she gives back to charities and the community all the time, AND she's flat-out stated that if she does continue the Potter-Verse it'll be because, and I quote, "It's my baby and I can do whatever I want with it."
The Harry Potter series has had an enormous influence to my life. Back in kindergarten, my mom first introduced me to the series by reading Sorcerer's Stone to my sister and I every night. Even to this day, despite the copy being more tape than paper, I can't pick that book up without remembering my mom's voice reading me to sleep--laying backwards on my bed, picking at the hem of blankets. One scene that always comes to mind is when Harry, Ron, and Hermione snuck out to Hagrid's hut under the invisibility cloak. I quite distinctly remember picturing the dormitories, the grounds of Hogwarts, and--perhaps most vividly--Draco's hair. I don't know why his hair, but something in the way my mom described it always made that aspect stick out in my mind. (Much like, when I was reading Goblet of Fire the first time, I had the mental image of Dumbledore running around with his 'full bladder' making him look somehow pregnant as he ran around in his robes and slippers XD)
Not only has the series provoaked my reading skills, but it is also one of the major sources of inspiration when I first started writing. I remember very clearly my first character for the Harry Potter series--sue though she may have been, it was still nonetheless thanks to Rowling's work that I write the way I am today. More often than not, when I'm not entirely sure if a writing rule I'm using is right or not, I'll pull out a copy of one of the books and find out what Rowling did in that situation. Thanks to the Harry Potter series, I learned that each line of dialogue needs to be indented--and, for that matter, I learned that if a dialogue gets to be too long, you can break it up into a new paragraph. Thanks to HP, I learned that after dialogue, you capitalize the next word unless you end the dialogue with a comma.
I think my style of writing is greatly influenced by the series as well--I word things frequently in the same way that Rowling does, though this is usually unintentional and I've only ever caught it in my fiction.

Here's another, slightly-off-topic-but-not random little tidbit of irony for you. When the first Harry Potter film came out, my sister was eleven years old. Now, after the seventh installment has finished, I'm seventeen years old. In the first film, Harry Potter was eleven years old. By year seven, he was seventeen years old.

I say 'was', by the way, because the series is set in the 90's. Book one in 1991, book seven in 1997. Following that logic, the Epilogue will be taking place September of 2016. So right now we're, like, somewhere between the aftereffects of The Battle Of Hogwarts and Albus Severus Potter's first day of school.
Yes, I know these things.

Though (to once more completely jump tracks) that's not quite as weird as the Cartoon Network series Young Justice. The first episode (which aired sometime last year) took place July 4th, 2011. On the Young Justice Wiki, they have a timeline from the early 1900's to the most recent episode, which takes place in September of this year, if I remember correctly. It's really kinda trippy to be able to go on there and be like, "Oh, in three hours, the team's gonna decide to go camping," or "Wow, Superboy just saved that schoolbus in Metropolis, like, three minutes ago!"
For example, yesterday the team had their first mission debriefing with Batman. Tomorrow, Dr. Sterling Roquette will be abducted by The League of Shadows.
Trippy, huh?

Well, I think I've rambled enough for one entry, eh?
This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. Harry Potter series (c) Jo Rowling; Young Justice (c) Cartoon Network and Detective Comics. (Heh, bet ya didn't know that's what DC stands for, didja?)

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