I don't understand why there has to be so many ugly people in the world.
No, I don't mean 'Beauty Pagent' Ugly, I mean vile. Idiotic. People who jump to conclusions in the worst possible way to the point of claiming to kill another person.
Okay, so as some of you may have noticed, I've got that little 'Like my stuff?' section on the far left there, right? One of the links is to my Deviantart--a site I've haunted for the better part of four years. I normally diregard everything but the art on there, but recently one of the people I watch has had this issue that I can't help but have gotten myself into.
Before I get any further, I should mention that I've never actually had a conversation with this person-who-will-remain-anonymous. (Let's call her B, since that's the first letter of her username) I found some of B's Young Justice art, including the beginnings of a comic. I liked it, may or may not have mentioned that, and clicked the 'watch' button.
Apparently, from reading all three of B's journals, this other girl has been giving B a hard time (Let's call her Pony because her icon is from MLP) Occording to B, Pony has been whining to her friends to try and get B reported and kicked out. Do you know what it started from?
B posted an artwork of a character called 'Ice Queen'. Pony claimed that she was the Ice Queen, called B a b*tch when B didn't buy into it, and left the argument.
Then she proceeded to write a journal claiming that B had harassed Pony on one of Pony's works of art that cannot be found even through the powers of Google. Occording to Pony, B's supposed trolling was hurtful enough to warrant the following journal:
(for privacy's sake, I'll be typing it here so as to keep everyone's identity secret. Any spelling mistakes/bad grammar are directly quoted.)
"i almost killed myself
my troller almost made me
she said some really hurtful things"
This was followed promptly by a very pitiful looking emoticon animated to cry continuously.
Of course, by the time I got to this journal, I was in full-out research mode. I'd looked through Pony's artwork and found that B's claim of not doing anything was completely legit. Even in the hidden comments, B was no where to be found on Pony's web page--until Pony went to B's page and demanded that B 'leave me alone' (by me, here I refer to Pony)
After the rather suspiciously made journal entry were 123 comments that ranged from B's friends calling Pony's bluff to Pony's friends using very, very crude language to describe B.
I'm gonna pause my rant for just a second to point out that Pony is 13. She's stated thus and has acted thus.
Okay, back to the issue. The whole reason for my rant is actually because of one of Pony's friends (let's call her J because that's the first letter of her username)
It's clear that J is also 13 years old. A very crude, ugly 13-year old, might I mention. Any of the conversations J has had on this matter include threats, terrible grammar, and laughable attempts of trolling.
I read one between J and one of B's supporters (Henceforth dubbed 'Sand' b/c of username) that really just made me sick to my stomach, that's how unreasonably crude this person was being.
I did some mild research--looked at J's page, read a few journals--and couldn't come to any other conclusion than the fact that this was an ugly person.
So I stepped in. I went to the supposed attempt-at-suicide page again and finished reading the comments. I gathered that Pony was attention-seeking from the fact that one person who attempted to stay neutral mentioned that people have it worse off than just trolling. Pony refused to offer any details other than "i have it worse" or something to that effect repeated and rephrased throughout the whole thing.
(If I can sidetrack once more to quote Snape; "...forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair.")
I decided I needed to butt in. (Okay, technically I didn't NEED to) Someone had to point out the obvious fact of communication.
So I picked the best place to butt in (The first comment by J I saw; "Dont worry im here with you,that f*cking sl*tty b*tch!why cant she just leave you alone??") and did so.
"I may just be blatantly butting in where I don't belong here, but that was harsh for not really knowing the other person's side, don't you think? Don't get me wrong, I know we're all only human and we all tend to act on first impression, but maybe you should see (B's) side of the story before you make assumptions? Where's your proof of her being a 'f*cking sl*tty b*tch' if you've never had a civil conversation with her before?
It's true that I came to this from (B's) journal, but I'm hoping that maybe a neutral stance can help defuse the problem before it escalates into something too serious.
If (Pony) and (B) can just talk this out reasonably and civilly then there's absolutely no reason to go reporting people. You'd be surprised at how many problems can be diffused through communication.
As for the suicidal thing, perhaps it would be best for (Pomy) to just walk away? If you feel that hurt about it, maybe it would be better if you just leave the whole situation where it is and talk to someone close to you--someone who you know on a personal level. If you truly feel as though you're depressed enough to attempt suicide, you seriously should be seeking comfort in the people physically around you. At the end of the day, words on a computer screen are just that--words. Whether they are typed with malicious intent or the hopes of cheering you up, you'd be surprised how much better you'll feel after talking to someone that can give you physical comfort.
Now I'm not going to claim that you're not truly suicidal, nor am I going to baby you for it. I'm just saying that suicide is no joking matter and if you have depression you NEED to see someone about it. Maybe if you can talk to a family member or a best friend or a loved one you can realize that the 'trolling'--again, I'm not saying it's real or not--really amounts to nothing more or less than a few complex computer codes.
So, can we all please act like civil people now?"
I have yet to recieve any replies, but I'm daring them to call me out. Go ahead, "J", call me your entire extent of crude vocabulary. I dare you.
And really, it is terribly crude. Not long after the journal went up by Pony, J went to B's page and tried to troll B. It consisted of terrible grammar and a lot of empty words that made little to no sense.
But one thing she said really, really ticked me off:
"you should go and lick some of your friends p***y and dont stop until you stop breathing"
I mean, honestly? For one thing, J's 13. I dunno about you, but if I knew this person in real life I'd shove a bar of soap down her throat. That kind of comment belongs on a porn site, not DeviantART. It's DeviantART, let's keep it that way, yeah?
Second of all, it's totally disrespectful to imply that that type of action is lowly enough to be used as insult. It may not be part of your lifestyle, but it's disrespectful to those whom actually take part in such. ESPECIALLY given the fact that J's most recent journal is about supporting people who are gay/bi/lesbian.
So you're telling one thing to the world, but another to someone else?
I couldn't help it. I butted in and called her on it. "...Perhaps if you were to respond maturely and not bring up 'insults' or 'threats' that include killing or sexual intercourse people would be able to take you seriously and you would actually manage to reach a level of understanding."
I mean, honestly! The whole argument between B and J, J mentions something to do with sex in EVERY. DANG. REPLY.
Why do people have to be so vulgar? It makes me feel horrible for swearing. The world is full of ugly people and uglier terminology. Starting today, I'm going to stop cursing. The only vulgarity you'll get outta me is through my characters--that I promise.
However, expect silliness in return. I won't ever again intentionally curse, but expect to hear some very colorful reactions instead.
(Oh, and also, expect this to be edited once I get any sort of response from my comments. Kthxbai)
This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions.
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