Monday, June 27, 2011

Long Time No See

....Well, there goes any and all hope of gaining a following....
Ah well; to those of you who care:
Aloha, compadres! *somethingtellsmethat'swrongbutohwellnoharmintended*
Long time no see, eh? I really, really have no idea what happened to June. Seriously. Or May, for that matter. Hell, I remember LAST summer better than this one! Though that's probably because we went to Disneyland last summer
S'yeah. Nothing's happened here. Zip. I've spent, like, every waking moment on this little laptop working on fanfictionz and original workz and whatnot.
I uploaded some new stories on my, and surprisingly, the one I was least willing to put up seems to be my most popular fic on there....weird. Especially given that my litteral train of thought regarding it was "Well, I'm not finished...but then again nothing of mine ever is...and that COULD be considered a stopping spot...right? Eh, screw it, I'll just post it."
Oh, and I've also gotten into Superheroes again recently. Darn you, DC Comics! DX 
But I have discovered Young Justice. And it is amazing.
The best part is? As long as you know vaguely who Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Superboy are, you can totally understand what's going on without having to wait for stupid YouTube to cooperate. *speaking from experience*
I think my favorite thing about YJ is Robin. Not only is he voiced by the same actor that does my two favorite KH characters (Ventus and Roxas) but almost every episode is equipped with what I've dubbed 'Robinisms'
To quote episode one: 
"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed--why can't anyone just be whelmed?"
Another reoccurring 'Robinism': 
"So; if dislike is the opposite of like, then is disaster the opposite of aster?"
And now for some shameless advertisement: Young Justice RPness

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions.
Young Justice is (c) DC Comics and Cartoon Network
Kingdom Hearts is (c) Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts

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