Sunday, April 3, 2011

I have a name. USE IT.

Time Started: 12:16

I really, REALLY hate people. Not just the idiots here, who decide they can get away with running read lights going 40+

No, I also hate people like so:

I've been recieving emails like this since FRESHMAN YEAR. FRESHMAN FREAKING YEAR.

See, for those who don't know (which I doubt anyone reading doesn't) my graduating class is part of this program that's basically making sure we all go to college.
So every few weeks in freshman year we had someone come in and talk about college and why it's so great.
And every time, we had to fill out this sheet with name, age, and e-mail.
And ever since then, I've gotten an email addressed to 'Daitey' from the SAT people among others.

I've never read a single one. Do you know why? because they won't take me off their lists, and they can't get my damn name right.

So I just now sent them a reply:

"Dear SAT people:

I don't know where you recieved your information from, but I am NOT "Daitey."

No where in my name is there a "D".

Kindly either fix your records or cease e-mailing me, as I refuse to read anything you have to say until you can address me correctly.

Irked Regards,

A Tucson High Student"

I was honestly tempted to cuss them out.
I mean, okay, a few e-mails would be one thing, but it's not just the SAT people. I've got colleges sending me mail to the name "Daitey."

What. The. HELL.

I'm so fed up with this crap. Especially since they also send me stuff with my actual name!
Don't they realize that it's the same god-damned address?

I would have been fine with it, if it were just a few times. Okay, we all make mistakes, whatever.

But now, after I'm almost done with Junior Year?

I'm tired of people mispronouncing my name.
Did you know, I had a PE teacher in seventh grade who called me "Caitley" EVERY GOD-DAMNED DAY?
If I hadn't gotten my schedule changed last semester, my old PE teacher would have probably done the same. Five weeks in and you still can't tell that there is no 'l' in my name?

I'm just so sick of so many fucking messups. Yeah, my name's different, but so what? There are plenty worse names to try and pronounce out there, so stop messing mine up--get glasses if you have to.

Maybe that's why I go by my nickname now. Cola seems so much easier to say, apparently, even though it only has two less letters and they both start with "C".

Irked Regards,
Sincerely Doubtful

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