Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quoth the author, "Pottermore"

Cannon n. Commonly used by fans of any particular book, movie, TV series, etc. Typically used in accordance with aforementioned book, movie, TV series, etc's plotline. If something is cannon it is true to the plotline set out by the creator of aforementioned fandom. 
In layman's terms, something is only cannon if it can be backed by the original material. IE Harry Potter's godfather is Sirius Black. This is cannon because it is stated in both the third film and book.

Fannon n. Commonly used by fans of any particular book, movie, TV series, etc. Typically used in accordance with aforementioned book, movie, TV series, etc's plotline. If something is fannon it is not true to the plotline set out by the creator of said fandom.
In layman's terms, something is fannon if it has no proof within the original material. IE Professor McGonnagal had children. This is fannon because very little is known about McGonnagal other than that she is Transfiguration teacher, Head of Gryffindor House, and Deputy Headmistress to Professor Dumbledore.

So, having said that, I'm utterly confused. Cannon to the books is the original, legit cannon regarding Harry Potter, right? The books were written by the original creator, Jo Rowling, and therefore can only contradict one another. But some things that are cannon to the movies aren't cannon to the books. In the books, Hagrid never had bats or crows. In the books, Harry got the sword of Godric Gryffindor after he'd placed it on his head, it didn't just appear while still on the ground. (Yes, these are petty details, but if I were to give more solid examples they would no doubt be considered spoilers.)
So does that mean that what's cannon to the movies is fannon to the books?
I dunno, but I do know that I'm all Pottered up. XD Pottermore's sneak preview window thingy opened at midnight, and I got in--sorta. I'm still waiting for my Welcome email, but the FAQ's said it would probably take a while since so many millions of people are trying to get in. Check out the website for more info--I'm not gonna spoil nothin fer nobody.

However, with school starting up soon, expect a minimum of a post a week. I'm trying to keep my writing up, even if it's just ranting or rambling about my day/week. I'd like to eventually get up to a post a day, but as it IS my senior year, don't get your hopes up. I have to bring myself into the top 25 students in order to attend U of A, which means me actually doing homework when it's assigned instead of half-arsing it the night before. I'm aiming for straight A's all year, which means I may very well kill what little 'social time' I currently posess. Said social time being solely myself doing Merlin-knows-what on a computer and generally staring at screens reading/writing fanfiction or playing around on MMD.
S'yeah. Where the hell did my summer go? T_T

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. All things Harry Potter are (c) The wonderful goddess that is Jo Rowling. Harry Potter Movies are trademarks of Warner Bros. Studios. Pottermore is hosted by Sony, so they get some credit too XD

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Disney Room, part 01

So back when Summer Vacation started, I mentioned redoing my room (this was somewhere between end of May and early June) and I finally got around to taking some pictures of it.
Of course, I've not yet done the curtains, but bear with me here. :)

 First up, straight from the doorway shot. Yeah, my bed's a futon, but normally I just leave it like that--piled with stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets.
 Directly in front of the door, we have my shelves o' stuff, trunk, and the foot of my bed. (feel free to ignore the tub and pillow and whatnot, I'm still not quite used to having a completely clean room.) Yeah, that's my laptop on the end of the bed there :)
 My pride and joy, completely free-handed Disney castle! I pulled up, like, ten pictures of both Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella castles (DLR and WDW respectively) and just sorta...painted...
About an hour later, this was the result :) It's quite big, taking up the whole half-wall thingy between my closet and my door, and it comes to about my shoulders at it's highest.
 Mickey Shower Curtain XP My closet's big enough to use the whole curtain with little to no wrinkes XP
What's a Disney Room without some good old Mickey Mouse?
 Here's the wall directly to the left of the door, with the rickety shelves o' stuff. The bottom two shelves are JUST movies and games--mostly Disney VHS since I'm the only one in the house with a working VCR :)
I'm gonna ramble a bit about the walls themselves, since this is the best shot of them, I think.
I started with the lightest blue on the bottom and slowly mixed in the purple. Whenever the brush/roller got dry I would crossfade into the blue a bit, to give it more of a blended look. (Kudos to my Stage Management teacher for showing me the video that taught me how to do that last year.) Once I was at about the top of the door I started to blend in the darkest navy-ish color (same color used for the castle) and the ceiling itself is just that color--no mix, like the lightest color had been. It's kinda texturized, though, because the green that it was before shows through in some spots. But once the sun's down it looks wicked cool because without as much light the green makes it look like stars and clouds and how the real sky looks XP
 This is the wall opposite the one I just rambled about. Bookcase on the far left, desk that was my mom's that was my sister's that's now mine, chair that's all that's left of my loft bed (birthday present two years ago, my dad made the bed in '01 back before we moved) and TV stand with my White Rabbit hat on top. I feel really lucky 'cuz I may not get any stations whatsoever but I have a DVD player, VCR, AND a PS2 in here :D Even if it is a tempermental old thing the only games it's willing to play are the only ones I ever really play regardless, so it's happy and so am I :D
Closet-and-castle shot. Yeah, my room's MASSIVE, and I love it. Except for when I've spent all day doing next to nothing but staring at the walls/ceiling/ugly-as-all-heck carpet (I wanna get it outta here but my mom said one project at a time) and going stircrazy.
But at least I'm going stir crazy in a Disney Room of epic awesomeness XP
The curtains are white in the pictures, but I'm about a fourth of the way done with painting them.
I started with the window by the desk; Oswald grabbing the part in the middle on one side and three of his bunnychildren stacked up reaching for the other side :3 (The Bunnychilderen first starred in Trolley Troubles, but were later incorporated into Epic Mickey. I've seen many 'fanbaby' Bunnychilderen and I sort of based those three on some of my favorites.) I'm not too sure what I'll do with the other window's curtains, but I'll post pictures once I'm done with both windows :)

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. Mickey, Oswald, Bunnychildren, Sleeping Beauty Castle, and Cinderella Castle are all (c) Disney. I'm just the crazed fan that incorporated them all into my room XD

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Long time no see (Again). So much for keeping up the post-a-day thing, eh?
We went for Dairy Queen today. In the rain. Driving through puddles that could have easily flooded us out.
It was fun. :D
And I saw HP7 part 2 again today, which was weird because we rarely go see movies during the day.
But we WERE going to go to this liquidation sale thingy that supposedly had stuff for 5 bucks--we're talking, like, school supplies, iPods, clothes, designer shoes--occording to the radio ad, which lasted about three-plus minutes talking about all the stuff you could get for five bucks.
When we got there, the only thing that was five bucks, according to the very angry father outside the store, was the entrance fee.
Seriously. They were charging five bucks just to get in and walk around. Also according to said very angry father, everything was either around or over the $100 range.
Dude, false advertising sucks. Like, major. :/

So instead we went to see HP7 part 2 :D
I think I cried more this time than I did last time, but maybe that's because when we saw it opening night we were in the front row and it was 3D and you literally had to move your head from side to side in order to see all of it.
And then we came home and I read HP fan comics 8D
OOH, speaking of Harry Potter, did you know that JKRowling, the most amazing author in the whole world, is opening up a new site in October? It's called "Pottermore" and it is amazing.
Basically, because she's gotten such a positive reaction to her stories, Rowling's decided to give us the story like it's never been seen before, where WE get to be a part of it.
All hail the glorious and god-like Rowling!
Seriously. Bow down to her. Not only is she so awesome for creating the series that quite literally saved literature for my generation, nor even because of Pottermore. What I love most about Rowling is that she's level-headed about it all. She doesn't let fame get to her, she gives back to charities and the community all the time, AND she's flat-out stated that if she does continue the Potter-Verse it'll be because, and I quote, "It's my baby and I can do whatever I want with it."
The Harry Potter series has had an enormous influence to my life. Back in kindergarten, my mom first introduced me to the series by reading Sorcerer's Stone to my sister and I every night. Even to this day, despite the copy being more tape than paper, I can't pick that book up without remembering my mom's voice reading me to sleep--laying backwards on my bed, picking at the hem of blankets. One scene that always comes to mind is when Harry, Ron, and Hermione snuck out to Hagrid's hut under the invisibility cloak. I quite distinctly remember picturing the dormitories, the grounds of Hogwarts, and--perhaps most vividly--Draco's hair. I don't know why his hair, but something in the way my mom described it always made that aspect stick out in my mind. (Much like, when I was reading Goblet of Fire the first time, I had the mental image of Dumbledore running around with his 'full bladder' making him look somehow pregnant as he ran around in his robes and slippers XD)
Not only has the series provoaked my reading skills, but it is also one of the major sources of inspiration when I first started writing. I remember very clearly my first character for the Harry Potter series--sue though she may have been, it was still nonetheless thanks to Rowling's work that I write the way I am today. More often than not, when I'm not entirely sure if a writing rule I'm using is right or not, I'll pull out a copy of one of the books and find out what Rowling did in that situation. Thanks to the Harry Potter series, I learned that each line of dialogue needs to be indented--and, for that matter, I learned that if a dialogue gets to be too long, you can break it up into a new paragraph. Thanks to HP, I learned that after dialogue, you capitalize the next word unless you end the dialogue with a comma.
I think my style of writing is greatly influenced by the series as well--I word things frequently in the same way that Rowling does, though this is usually unintentional and I've only ever caught it in my fiction.

Here's another, slightly-off-topic-but-not random little tidbit of irony for you. When the first Harry Potter film came out, my sister was eleven years old. Now, after the seventh installment has finished, I'm seventeen years old. In the first film, Harry Potter was eleven years old. By year seven, he was seventeen years old.

I say 'was', by the way, because the series is set in the 90's. Book one in 1991, book seven in 1997. Following that logic, the Epilogue will be taking place September of 2016. So right now we're, like, somewhere between the aftereffects of The Battle Of Hogwarts and Albus Severus Potter's first day of school.
Yes, I know these things.

Though (to once more completely jump tracks) that's not quite as weird as the Cartoon Network series Young Justice. The first episode (which aired sometime last year) took place July 4th, 2011. On the Young Justice Wiki, they have a timeline from the early 1900's to the most recent episode, which takes place in September of this year, if I remember correctly. It's really kinda trippy to be able to go on there and be like, "Oh, in three hours, the team's gonna decide to go camping," or "Wow, Superboy just saved that schoolbus in Metropolis, like, three minutes ago!"
For example, yesterday the team had their first mission debriefing with Batman. Tomorrow, Dr. Sterling Roquette will be abducted by The League of Shadows.
Trippy, huh?

Well, I think I've rambled enough for one entry, eh?
This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. Harry Potter series (c) Jo Rowling; Young Justice (c) Cartoon Network and Detective Comics. (Heh, bet ya didn't know that's what DC stands for, didja?)

Monday, July 11, 2011


WARNING: Includes mentions of the need to heed nature's call.
             Bathroom. Though the thought hadn't reached the level of coherency towards the actual word itself, it was nonetheless this thought that stirred the girl from her deep slumber. She fumbled for her phone to access the flashlight app, squinting at the sudden attack of light on her pupils, and staggered sleepily to her door. The wood creaked in typical protest, but the girl was still half-unconscious and paid it no mind, crossing the ten-some-odd hallway tiles to the loo...
           ...Only to suddenly feel herself wide awake the moment she'd flipped the lights on. There, stark as daylight against the freshly laundered white rug, sat a cockroach. It twitched its antennae at the girl. The girl stared at it.
          She wondered briefly if she should just turn around and go back to bed, and had even turned the light off and turned around before realizing that she could never sleep knowing it was there. Bodily urges aside, the dooming knowledge that it could easily scuttle under her door and onto her bed mid-slumber was enough for the girl to set about finding a way to end the thing's life.
         The little quest didn't last long--she found a promisingly full spray bottle labeled 'BUG DEATH' in red sharpie under the kitchen sink and silently returned to the bathroom. The girl fleetingly hoped that it had just been her imagination--but, alas, the roach still sat exactly where it had been, antennae twitching.
        Toes curling, she began the frontal attack. The girl had successfully cornered the thing and was ready to squirt till it died when the handle to the bottle popped.
       It ceased to function entirely. The girl sat on the sink and kept her feet off the ground and glared at the insect. The insect cowered in the crevice between bathtub and wall, one antennae stuck to itself from the previously relentless spray of Bug Death. The bathroom floor was sticky and made the whole room smell like sweaty feet and old sponges.
        With a nod of resolve the girl set the Bug Death on the counter behind her and slowly backed from the room, eyes glued to the insect to make sure it wouldn't spring at her. It remained in the corner, still cornered, so she returned to the kitchen and carefully browsed through the cleaners. Her paranoia screamed caution--what if there were more? What if it was like the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland, and they were just waiting to ambush? What if there were more creepy crawlies?
       The faded purple can of RAID reassured the girl slightly, though she doubted its promise of instant death to cockroaches. After all, they were said to be the most durable insects--hadn't there been one in Wall-E?
        Refocusing her sleep-deprived mind to the task at hand she shook the can, deemed it full enough to get the job done, and returned to her safe position off the ground. As she'd hoped, the cockroach still hadn't moved. With a determined glare she sprayed again, now confidant that her weapon of choice would, at the very least, kill the thing.
          Panic. The insect scurried away from the corner and towards the girl. The girl withheld a shriek for her sleeping family's sake and sprayed closer, determined to kill the roach. It floundered somewhere in between the rug and the corner before ceasing movement. The girl continued spraying for a good thirty seconds or so, fleetingly noting that the RAID at least smelt better than the Bug Death had.
       And then it was in a puddle of foamy white, and the girl deemed it safe to stop wasting their only functioning bug spray. The sight of the roach dead, somehow, repulsed the girl even further, toes curling once more on the toilet lid. She felt like crying and flipping the dead insect off at the same time. 'Beware the fury of a woman with RAID,' she thought idly, retreating once more.
      The girl spotted the lid to a plastic tub in the hall and snatched it, carefully hiding the carcass behind the lid so she could, at last, heed nature's call. So grateful was she that the battle had been won that it wasn't until she'd reached for toilet paper when she realized she'd left the bathroom door wide. In most cases this wouldn't have been that big of a deal, if it weren't for her parents' bedroom door directly to the right of the bathroom, nor her sister's door visible but slightly farther away to the left.
        Blushing and hoping beyond hope that her little adventure hadn't woken any of the other occupants of the house, the girl quickly finished and retreated into her room, thankful that neither door had opened in her embarrassing situation.
       The moment her door closed behind her--once more creaking in protest--she dove for her sock drawer and extracted the first two she could see, in desperate need of something over her toes to quell her paranoia. The battle won, bodily urges quelled, paranoia stoppered, the girl sat down at her desk and eased her adrenalline-high mind the only way she knew how--by opening her neglected blog from the previous year's Creative Writing class and writing about it.

Haha, yeah, that really did just happen to me. Yes, we really have a bottle labeled 'BUG DEATH' and yes, it broke when I tried to use it. Seriously. :/ Not fun, but I'm tired and it's technically 'tomorrow' already so I'm going to go back to bed. Night.
This has been a certified drabble courtesy of the sleep-deprived mind of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. Wall-E (c) Pixar; Disneyland (c) Disney; Indiana Jones (c) Lucasfilm; Indiana Jones ride (c) Disney and Lucasfilm; RAID (c) whoever made it. No, I don't feel sorry for the thing. No, I'm not scared of bugs. Yes, I hate them with all the firey passion of hell, and yes, I really did just write a drabble that can be summed into the following sentence; "I had to pee, but I saw a cockroach in the bathroom, so I killed it, but left the door open on accident when I actually used the loo." And then Cola dragged herself off the laptop and went back to sleep. The end.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Potter Week Begins

Yo! Happy Potter Week! (The eighth movie comes out exactly seven days from now! OMG!)
So in honor of POTTER WEEK I'm watching a movie a day XD

...Okay, I'm done fangeeking. For now.
Though I do have every reason to celebrate; I FINALLY finished my monster of a fanfic! Yes, that's right, after four years of off-and-on working on it, I have FINALLY finished A Twilit Journey: Aanyx's Tale, my Kingdom Hearts Fanfic! I feel so proud of myself, especially since I've had most of the last two chapters written for the better part of a year...

You know what's kinda funny about Harry Potter? The actors have sort of incorporated their characters' personalities into their own. Before filming Prisoner of Azkaban, the director asked Dan, Rupert, and Emma to write him an essay about their characters. Rupert (Ron) didn't do it, Dan (Harry) did mediocre, just-enough-to-pass length, and Emma (Hermione) wrote about five-plus pages on it.
When the trio were interviewed before the London Premiere, they were asked what their favorite parts of the experience were. Dan--true to Harry--talked about the experiences. Emma--true to Hermione--talked about several things in great detail. Rupert--my personal favorite and true to Ron--said "this." Nope, he didn't elaborate. Just "this." XD

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live" ~Dumbledore

This has been a certified drabble courtesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions.

Monday, July 4, 2011

How Un-Patriotic...

Yo! Happy 4th of July!
Nothing says 'Independence Day' like sitting in a t-shirt from Sweden, eating Mexican food, and fangirling over Draco/Harry goodnes while drinking tea. That's right, rebellious pilgrims of the past, I'm drinking tea.
Though my dad did get an American Flag to fly today instead of the one from Lord of the Rings that usually sits outside my window. For fangeeks that care to know, it's the King of Gondor's.

So I can't say that I'm completely UNpatriotic--I'm just not feeling the American spirit, or whatever one feels on 4th of July. Hence my only semi-patriotic actions being the flag outside my window and half-paying attention to the fireworks show on tv (the Macy's one, I think--channel 4 anyway) while trying to ignore the cringe-worthy Country renditions of 'classics'. Not that there's anything wrong with Country, per se--I just can only take so much of the whiney southern twang before needing to slam my head against something repeatedly.

On a completely unrelated note, We got a huge monsoon storm today. It made me happy 
No, seriously, this thing was massive. I couldn't see the aforementioned flag even though it sits about five feet away from my window.
We have a sail shade (it's like a triangular tarp shade) that could have almost ripped half our roof off if we didn't get it down. I took one step outside and I was sopped. Like, just-jumped-into-the-pool-with-all-your-clothes-on sopped. Quite the adventure.

EDIT: I just found out that there's more words to 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' than the chorus that everyone knows. Also, even though anyone caught lighting fireworks in Tucson City Limits is going to be arressted, someone apparently not far from us just started lighting them off. People are IDIOTS even on days like today...

So here's a very un-inthused Cola, wishing all of you invisible readers a 'mused Fourth of July!
This has been a certified drabble cutesy of Sincerely Doubtful Productions. Picture courtesy of bighappyplz on Deviantart.